Saturday, October 24, 2009

Let the drama unfold!

Let's start with good ol' Bex. Our athletic friend managed to make some more "friends" while at college.

Here's Bex admiring the tasty professor William.

And here she is playing tonsil hockey with her good pal Paul.
Things were going great with both men until Paul found his lover at the bowling alley with his drama professor. Oh, the horror!

Bex, however, was determined to have a lovely evening. It appears she succeeded.

While all of this was going on, Angelo remained oblivious. He was convinced his fiancee was as committed and faithful as he was (well, for the most part).
Then, one fine morning, he spotted the dozens of rose bouquets Paul had left for Bex.

Angelo ran inside to tell Bex the wedding was off. You would think, as a Romance Sim, she wouldn't mind an having an excuse not to commit for a lifetime.

Au contraire...

Now Angelo could do what he'd been longing to do since that fateful day in the cafeteria: propose to Sheila!

She said yes, and the couple hope to get married soon. One wonders how Terrance will take the news...
Terrance, it appears, hasn't been thinking much about Sheila lately. He got caught up in a whirlwind romance with a pretty redhead named Joanne. Perhaps it's the resemblance to his mom that he finds so attractive. But one night, after a very good date, he got carried away and proposed!

Rebound, much, Terrance? The bad news? She's a ROMANCE SIM, just like his former flame! Oddly enough, she was all for getting engaged. What? Maybe she's trying to turn over a new leaf. But who knows how long this relationship will last.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mayzie picks the traditional route

Mayzie had an excellent childhood. She made friends in high places and even had a playdate with Nikola Chandler. A possible match for the future, perhaps? It's that time again.
You know...

Mayzie became a teenager while her mood was in platinum, meaning she'll live forever. Great, right?
The dice was rolled and Mayzie became a...
...Family Sim, just like her mom.
Her LifeTime Want is to reach her golden anniversary.
Easiest career path ever.
Well, except for Bex.
In other news, Tom was promoted to Science teacher. Getting closer, Tom!

Maybe they'll start making Baby Obama movies...

Little Barack is growing up. Here he is with at his birthday party, with Mommy tastefully dressed in her finest lingerie.

And now he's a toddler! Aw, how grown up!

Wait, are those elf ears? Barack might just have elf ears.
Anyway, his parents taught him to talk, walk, and potty trained him good, all within 2 days of his birthday. Not too shabby, Tom and Bridget.
Finally, one birthday later, Barack was a real boy.

We'll continue to watch the little 'un grow, and who knows, maybe he'll become the president and screw up the country, just like his namesake. His parents would be so proud.

When cheating is justified

Things at University seem to be doing okay. The students are studying hard and getting good grades, but other than that, nothing interesting has happened.
...or has it?

It looks as though Bex has made herself a new friend. In fact, she has 5 lovers, and NONE OF THEM KNOW ABOUT EACH OTHER.
Well, except for Terrance and Angelo. But that's a different story.
Speaking of Angelo, one night at dinner, no one knows how, but Angelo and Sheila fell in love. All he did was throw a bit of food at her - hardly romantic!
Anyway, now Angelo wants to PROPOSE to Sheila. Never mind that he's already engaged to Bex. Oh, and just forget the fact that Sheila is dating his brother.
How will this turn out?

Monday, October 19, 2009

Married life is awesome! :D

Miranda and Alex, after a seemingly endless engagement, were married at their new house.

Miranda managed to find a job as a Desk Sergeant right away, but Alex is still looking. He managed to knock up his wife, however, putting her career dreams on hold.

9 uneventful months later, Alex was still unemployed and Miranda was writhing on the floor with labor pains.
Finally, after a gigantic push, she managed to shove a baby boy into the world. The couple named him Harvey Milk Stevens, after the legendary gay icon. Uncle Dom would be proud.

More Chandler news

Career wise,
Pheobe was promoted to Paramedic, which puts her that much closer to meeting her goal of becoming Chief of Staff.
Edison is much closer on the track to fulfilling his Lifetime Want. He was promoted to Cat Burgular.
Jared decided he didn't want to be in the Law Enforcement track after all and quit his job. He is now trying to find a job in the Culinary track.

Uncle Tesla shows Tyson the ropes

Tesla, strangely enough, refused to grow from a baby to a toddler at first. Who knows why, probably stubborn. Eventually, though, uncles Dominic and Jared managed to coax him into it. Awww, isn't he precious.
As both of his parents were working much of the time, Tesla learned to talk, walk, and pee from his uncles, as well as his grandma.

Jared and Dom decided to adopt, and the social worker brought them an adorable boy named Tyson.

Having a baby and a toddler in the same household made things a little stressful, especially when Jared's new job as a patrol officer forced Dom to take all responsibilities.
Then Tyson had a birthday, and there were TWO toddlers in the house.
Thankfully, Dom received help from both his mom and grandma.

Finally, it was time for Nikola's birthday.

Everyone in the household was relieved. The stress of two toddlers had taken its toll. Finally. No more crying in the night time. It was all over.
That is, until Dom got nostalgic for the days of diapers and bottles, and decided to adopt ANOTHER kid.

Her name was Olivia, and she was a cute baby, but I won't bore you with the details.
Let's just say that the Chandlers are SICK of birthday cake.