Thursday, November 5, 2009

Babies, chaos, and the swine flu

Taking care of twin boys was taking its toll on Severin and Sierra Jorgen's marriage. When they weren't caring for the boys, they were working, and were hardly getting any sleep.
Luckily, Severin's sister Bex and cousin Tessa moved in to give them a hand.
Once they got there, everything seemed to be going so well. Sierra was getting promotions left and right, while Bex got a job as a Starter.
The boys had a wonderful birthday with lots of cake.

Romulus - Leo: 4 neat, 10 outgoing, 4 active, 4 playful, 4 nice

Remus - Gemini: 1 neat, 10 outgoing, 9 active, 4 playful, 1 nice
Then everything went to hell.
Sierra, Bex, AND Severin came down with the swine flu! Unable to work, and worried about infecting the babies, the three of them left Tessa with the task of "raising" the children.
Tessa managed to teach the kids to talk. Her useless relatives finally recovered and taught the twins everything else they needed to know. Then it was birthday time again!


And that's about all that happened.
As far as careers go, Sierra was promoted to Desk Sergeant: she is slowly but surely making her way up the Law Enforcement career ladder.
Severin finally got his lazy butt off the couch, worked out a little bit, and became a Soilmaster. It was only after the excitement of this news wore off did he realize how much his job sucked. The Jorgens have plenty of money as it is; we'll see if he continue's in this field.
Oh, and Bex? Her old "friend" Paul not only forgave her, but managed to wrangle a promotion for her as well! She's now an All Star and is working towards becoming MVP.
Ugh. I just want to know when she gets the Athletic Career Reward. It makes working out SO much easier.

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