Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Angelo and Sheila loved making money, but they tired of promotions and night shifts. They wanted a BABY.

The minute Sheila knew she was pregnant, she proceeded to have the WORST PREGNANCY EVER, a title previously held by Sierra Jorgen. In fact, the two pregnancies were so similar, the signs so obvious, I should have noticed...oh well.

Anyway, on delivery day, Sheila was starving, exhausted, smelled like a drain pipe, and had to pee like the Dickens. Not a happy situation.
Thanks to a little thing called "cheating", however, she felt fine as could be. Well, except for the 10-centimeter opening in her...yeah.

In what seemed like no time, Sheila was holding baby Ferdinand in her arms. He was so darling, what with his little red eyebrows, and...hang on.

It turns out Sheila hadn't quite FINISHED. Out popped ANOTHER baby, still red-headed and looking very much like her daddy.
When asked to think of a second name, Sheila squealed, "Omg, how 'bout Bella!?!?" She ignored Angelo's cries of dismay. I know how he feels. Really, naming your baby after a TWILIGHT character. It hurts a little bit.

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