Monday, September 29, 2008

Jorgen family update

Betsy and Jeannie were doing fairly well in the military field when Betsy failed her examination and lost a week's pay, meaning the family was broke.
Way to go, Betsy.
But she made up for it by getting promoted to Recruit, which is the top of the career track.
The pay still sucks, but hey.
Jeannie took the same exam and was demoted to Paintball Assistant for cheating. She was finally promoted again, but it'll take longer to get to the top of the career track. Argh. Those darn chance cards.

After lots of hard work and studying, all three Jorgen children received A+'s in school.
Severin got the SimCity Scholar's Grant for good grades.

He also gained a cooking skill point and made some delicious spaghetti for the entire family.

Unfortunately, all this activity exhausted him. Unable to find a bed in time (and refusing to sleep with his grandma), he passed out near the recliner like a wuss.

Yes, this IS a picture of Jeannie spying on the paperboy as he takes a wizz in her bathroom. Don't worry, they're best friends.
All of the Jorgens have made progress on the friend front. Ralph made 5 new best friends and is well on his way to meeting his life goal.
Bex brought home James Stevens and they got along great.
Severin brought home Jason Cummings, but they didn't get along so great, as Severin is the WORST host ever.
And he thinks he'll be a GREAT husband and father. :P

Bex and Tessa's birthdays happened to fall on the same date, so Ralph threw a party for both of them. There were two cakes and pop music blasting from the newly acquired radio. Here Severin is dancing with his neighbor Miranda Chandler. Thankfully, they have horrible chemistry, and Miranda isn't interested in raising a family.

Bex grew up well, and her newly chosen aspiration is...*gasp*...ROMANCE??? So far, Bex is the only Romance Sim in Blueberry Meadows. This was sort of a shock for her grandparents, but when she informed them that she intended to become a professional athlete after college, they calmed down.

Tessa grew up well, too, although she is sort of an ugly duckling. How did that happen? She was so cute before. Like Severin, she is a Family Sim, and wants to graduate three children from college. First she needs a husband who is either accepting or blind. Or drunk.

The police coming to break things up is the mark of a great party. All the guests had a good time and there was plenty of cake left over. Mission accomplished!

Tomorrow we start with the Chandler family.
Previews from the Chandlers:
"Dominic! Stop wearing my clothes!"
"I'll crush the gay out of you, boy!"
"Grandma! Put on a shirt!"
"Hey, THAT'S not your wife..."

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Severin gets lucky

After returning home from a long day at school, Severin decided to traverse to the mall for a little fun, despite the fact that he had no friends and no money.
He went into H&M and saw not one, but TWO hot girls working the cash register.
Severin, being slightly sexist, decided to "test drive" the first one.

They had a nice conversation, but for Severin, this wasn't good enough.
Plus, she was a redhead, and he'd heard bad things about them. So he went over to the second girl.

He ended up asking her out. To his (and our) surprise, she said yes.
The date actually ended up going very well.

Unfortunately for Severin, he never asked his date for her name.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More about the Jorgens

Ralph Jorgen (a Popularity Cancer) and his wife Jeannie (a Popularity Aries) used to live alone until his son Frank ran off with his cousin Yelda. The incest scandal made them quite unpopular with the neighbors, so they fled Pleasantview to live with Ralph's sister Betsy (a Knowledge Scorpio) in the newly built Blueberry Meadows. Strangely enough, Yelda was Betsy's daughter, but no one in her neighborhood seemed to mind. That kind of thing happened quite often in their own families.
Everything continued on quite normally until the Jorgens received news that Frank and Yelda had died in a horrible snow-shoeing accident. This meant that, as the last of the Jorgens, they would be taking in Frank and Yelda's kids.
Frank had a son and a daughter, Severin and Bex. Severin was a Family Leo who's favorite hobbies were growing facial hair and scowling. If he'd been a week older when his dad died, he'd have turned 18 and then the responsibility of taking care of Bex would have been on his shoulders alone, but luckily, Frank had already decided snow-shoeing in Alaska was more important than spending time with his children (or planning his son's venture into the adult world).
Bex was a Gemini. She was ADHD and very feminist. Her hobbies included hating Sarah Palin for no particular reason (she was about to be the first woman vice president! How dare she!) and beating up boys.
Yelda's only daughter, Tessa (an Aquarius), was not like her cousins. For one, she was nicer. For another thing, she had red hair. The last, very strange thing about her was her violently purple eyes. They made her look sort of freakish and alien, not brave or beautiful like they did for Alanna the Lady Knight (Tessa was also a big fan of Tamora Pierce).
Having six people in the family and low-paying jobs in the military had made the Jorgens dirt poor. That meant they couldn't afford a mechanic (meaning Ralph made all the repairs) and there were only 3 beds (they slept in shifts).
Worst of all, they didn't have a TV, something that disgusted their technology-savvy neighbors the Chandlers.

Meet the Jorgen family

"Hello? Hellooooooooo?" Ralph crooned in the camcorder he was pointing at himself. "Hi, I'm Ralph Jorgen and- Shoot, it's not on. Hi, I'm Ralph Jorgen!!" He smiled broadly and twirled the camcorder upside down.
"Do I WANT to know what you're doing?" asked his 17-year-old grandson Severin as he walked into the room.

"I'm making a documentary!" Ralph chirped proudly, waving the camcorder, which was still focused on his face. He turned it around to point at Severin.
"Oh, no, grandpa, I'm in my pajamas!!"
"So am I. Just tell us your name and your life goal."
"My life goal?" Severin repeated incredulously.
"Here, I'll give an example." Ralph swung the camera around again. "Hi, I'm Ralph Jorgen, and when I grow up, I want to have 20 best friends! Now it's your turn."
"Aren't you already grown up?" Severin was stalling for time. His grandpa ignored the question. "All right, fine. I'm Severin Jorgen, and when I grow up, I want to...get married and reach my golden anniversary."
"You sound so ashamed. That's a wonderful goal." Severin stared at him and Ralph said no more.

Betsy Jorgen walked into the room, saw Ralph with the camera, and ran for the bathroom. Before she reached the door, however...
"Sis!" Ralph yelled joyfully. "It's your turn!"
"My turn to what?" Betsy inquired.
"He's making a 'documentary'," Severin explained to his great-aunt. "You have to tell him your name and your life goal."
"What...? That's private. And, Ralph, you don't know how to make a documentary!"
"It's going to be for the kids. You know, when you and I pass on, the grandkids will watch this movie and remember how much they love us."
"Actually, it would be 'loved', past tense," Betsy corrected.
"Yeah, and I don't think we'll need camcorders that far in the future. We'll have moved on by then," Severin added.
"Just tell us your life goal!" Ralph grumbled, advancing on Betsy. Betsy sighed.
"I'm Betsy Jorgen, Ralph's sister, and Severin's great-aunt-"
"No one cares!" Ralph snapped. "Just get to the good stuff!" Betsy shot him a nasty look.
"As I was SAYING, my life goal is to become a criminal mastermind." Ralph snorted.
"Psh. That'll never happen."
"You said it all wrong. You're supposed to say, 'When I grow up, I want to-'" He was cut off by a violent slap from Betsy. Ralph, ignoring that obscene act of child abuse, looked around the room for another person to interrogate.
"Say, where's Jeannie?"
"Outside," Severin sniffed, rubbing his sore cheek.

Ralph trotted out the front door and found his wife staring at the mailbox.
"Honey? What are you doing?" Jeannie jumped, like he'd woken her up.
"Sorry. Just making sure there were no coons in the mailbox."
"Honey...we live in the suburbs. We just moved here. The garbage man comes every day to pick up our junk and, besides that, we're so poor, it's not as though we have much to PUT in the garbage can each day."
"You're right, you're right." Jeannie peered suspiciously at the camcorder in his hands. "And that is...?"
"I'm making a documentary," Ralph said proudly. "And you need to tell me your name and life goal."
"Don't make me explain it again!!!"
"O-okay," Jeannie stuttered, surprised by this sudden outburst. "Let me see..." She paused. "What IS my name?" Ralph clapped a hand to his forehead.
"You've GOT to be kidding me! Your name"
"Ha, you forgot, too!"
"No, I didn't! Your name is Jenny Jorgen."
"Jeannie Jorgen," Jeannie corrected.
"That's what I said." Then, to ward off an argument, he added, "Now hurry up, won't you? The battery's dying."
"Who peed in your cornflakes?" Jeannie muttered, but started speaking anyway. "Hello, my name is Jeannie Jorgen. I've been married to Ralph Jorgen for 50 passable years-" This received a sharp glare from Ralph. "I mean, WONDERFUL years, and my life goal is to become the mayor." She beamed, then looked slightly deflated. "But I know that won't happen." Ralph grunted.
"Good enough." Ignoring his wife's secret pain, he ran off to find the last two important members of the family.

Tessa and Bex were playing Cops and Robbers when Ralph found them. They'd obviously been playing for a while; Tessa was shooting at her cousin rather half-heartedly, and Bex's braids were limp with sweat.
"Girls! Grampa's got a new toy!" The girls perked up immediately, but their faces fell when they saw it was a camcorder, not a dollhouse.
"Hi, Grampa," they intoned glumly. Ralph was the kind of man who saw frowns as upside down smiles (or perhaps he just couldn't read body language).
"I'm making a video about the family. What I need you guys to do is tell me ALL about yourselves." Tessa perked up a little bit. She liked talking about herself.
"Who will go first?" Bex asked her cousin. Tessa considered this.
"Both of us. At the same time." Bex seemed fine with this.
"Hi, I'm Tessa-"
"And I'm Bex-"
"I'm 10-"
"And I'm 11-"
"And we're cousins!" They both said this last part.
"All right, that's a wrap," Ralph said, and went to turn off the camera. His triumphant smile was soon replaced by a look of horror.
"When can we watch the movie, Grandpa?" Tessa asked.
"Too bad we don't have a TV," Severin answered sarcastically, coming up the stairs.
"We do have bagels!" Betsy called from downstairs.
"Yeah, and olive oil spread!" Jeannie added.
"There'll be no need for that," Ralph croaked, his face very white.
"Why's that, Grandpa?" Severin asked, very confused.
"All that stuff I had you say was for nothing. I forgot to press record!"

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Welcome to Blueberry Meadows

Welcome to Blueberry Meadows, a haven for knowledge Sims trying to max out their skills, family Sims trying to raise a brood, and, the ultimate partiers, popularity Sims.
A newly built development, Blueberry Meadows' lush green lawns and cheery, tiny houses are just screaming for residents.
Will it be you?