Wednesday, September 24, 2008

More about the Jorgens

Ralph Jorgen (a Popularity Cancer) and his wife Jeannie (a Popularity Aries) used to live alone until his son Frank ran off with his cousin Yelda. The incest scandal made them quite unpopular with the neighbors, so they fled Pleasantview to live with Ralph's sister Betsy (a Knowledge Scorpio) in the newly built Blueberry Meadows. Strangely enough, Yelda was Betsy's daughter, but no one in her neighborhood seemed to mind. That kind of thing happened quite often in their own families.
Everything continued on quite normally until the Jorgens received news that Frank and Yelda had died in a horrible snow-shoeing accident. This meant that, as the last of the Jorgens, they would be taking in Frank and Yelda's kids.
Frank had a son and a daughter, Severin and Bex. Severin was a Family Leo who's favorite hobbies were growing facial hair and scowling. If he'd been a week older when his dad died, he'd have turned 18 and then the responsibility of taking care of Bex would have been on his shoulders alone, but luckily, Frank had already decided snow-shoeing in Alaska was more important than spending time with his children (or planning his son's venture into the adult world).
Bex was a Gemini. She was ADHD and very feminist. Her hobbies included hating Sarah Palin for no particular reason (she was about to be the first woman vice president! How dare she!) and beating up boys.
Yelda's only daughter, Tessa (an Aquarius), was not like her cousins. For one, she was nicer. For another thing, she had red hair. The last, very strange thing about her was her violently purple eyes. They made her look sort of freakish and alien, not brave or beautiful like they did for Alanna the Lady Knight (Tessa was also a big fan of Tamora Pierce).
Having six people in the family and low-paying jobs in the military had made the Jorgens dirt poor. That meant they couldn't afford a mechanic (meaning Ralph made all the repairs) and there were only 3 beds (they slept in shifts).
Worst of all, they didn't have a TV, something that disgusted their technology-savvy neighbors the Chandlers.

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