Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Angelo and Sheila loved making money, but they tired of promotions and night shifts. They wanted a BABY.

The minute Sheila knew she was pregnant, she proceeded to have the WORST PREGNANCY EVER, a title previously held by Sierra Jorgen. In fact, the two pregnancies were so similar, the signs so obvious, I should have noticed...oh well.

Anyway, on delivery day, Sheila was starving, exhausted, smelled like a drain pipe, and had to pee like the Dickens. Not a happy situation.
Thanks to a little thing called "cheating", however, she felt fine as could be. Well, except for the 10-centimeter opening in her...yeah.

In what seemed like no time, Sheila was holding baby Ferdinand in her arms. He was so darling, what with his little red eyebrows, and...hang on.

It turns out Sheila hadn't quite FINISHED. Out popped ANOTHER baby, still red-headed and looking very much like her daddy.
When asked to think of a second name, Sheila squealed, "Omg, how 'bout Bella!?!?" She ignored Angelo's cries of dismay. I know how he feels. Really, naming your baby after a TWILIGHT character. It hurts a little bit.

Weddings, pregnancy...you know the drill

Though disappointed at the thought of not marrying a rich Sim, Angelo was so happy when he married Sheila.

They ate cake. It was cute. The party was wonderful. Moving on.

Angelo was promoted to Dread Pirate, proving that he COULD find a uniform more ridiculous than the one he wore as a Relic Liberator. The following day he was promoted to Warhead Disarmer, but that fantastic costume has yet to be seen.

Sheila got a job as a Flight Officer and was very soon after promoted to Senior Officer, leaving wannabe Terrance in the dust.

When the couple wasn't busy working, either one of them could be found catching lightning bugs in their underwear.

A monumental occasion

Terrance became best friends with Dominic Chandler, bringing his grand total of best friends to 20.
That's right; Terrance achieved his Lifetime Want!
His new want is to become a General in the Army, so he quickly got a job as a Flight Officer.

In other career news, Miranda was promoted to Vice Squad, Alex became an inventor, and Joanne, whose goal is to become a Professional Party Guest, was hired as a Projectionist.

Monday, November 16, 2009

One day closer to making history...

Little Harvey Milk grew from a helpless infant to a helpless toddler; handsome, whip-smart, and serious.

His personality mirrored that of Grandpa Edison's, making him a disturbingly neat, outgoing jock who probably felt a sense of entitlement do to his famous moniker.
But I digress.
The little tyke learned quickly and took to toddling around the house when Daddy was home.

Finally, eager to get rid of the cute but rebellious toddler, Terrance bought the kid a birthday cake.

KABLAM! Birthday cake = instant child. Congratulations, Harvey.

An unfortunate union

Terrance was thrilled to finally be marrying the love of his life (well...the other one besides Sheila).
Joanne, on the other hand, was not so thrilled.

Monica noticed the bride's unhappiness, but didn't say anything as the couple chowed on wedding cake.

It doesn't make sense to tell Joanne to "keep it in her pants", but we all hope she doesn't pull a typical Romance Sim move and do the entire town.

Gotta go my own way...

Ha. Loving the outfit.

Angelo was enjoying his job as a Relic Liberator when he noticed how crowded the house was becoming, what with his brother's upcoming marriage and a new baby. He decided to buy a house of his own, where he and Sheila could bang all they wanted, unnoticed by Terrance.

Also in today's news...

Jared, after months of job serving, found a job as a host at the local Red Robin. After being impressed by his cooking prowess, Jared's boss promoted him to Prep Cook.

Edison was promoted to Counterfeiter (so close!), while Phoebe was awarded with the position of General Practitioner.

Dominic still has no job, as he's busy taking care of his brother and three children, but he can't wait till the kids go off to college, so he can fulfill his own dream.

Men get postpartum depression, too

Dominic desperately wanted another child, but he was sick of babies.
Poop everywhere, not to mention countless hours of potty-training, poor gross motor skills, and Baby Einstein DVDs.
So he found an alternative:
Rather than adopt a baby and raise it from scratch, he would adopt a child who was the same age as Tyson, Olivia, and Nikola.

This new addition to the family was named Blair, a Virgo just like Dominic. He was immediately accepted into the already large Chandler family and seems to be adjusting well.

Monday, November 9, 2009

A very merry unbirthday

Jared wasn't about to let a little thing like the death of a loved one get in the way of his son's special day. He planned a spectacular party, inviting relatives from all over town.

Tyson grew into an adorable little boy, with a haircut just like his dad's.

His sister Olivia days later, making yet another family sick of birthday cake.

The Sixth Sense: Part 2

Rather than have their creepy dead relative stick around, the Chandlers sent Phoebe's remains to the Blueberry Meadows Cemetery.
Even with Cynthia gone, her family members suffered.

Edison fell into a deep funk that was hard to get out of. Phoebe even considered institutionalizing him.
Luckily, the magic therapist from above came down and gave Edison a hug and some good advice.

Edison went back to enjoying life.

Phoebe, on the other hand, still has nightmares every single night.

RIP Cynthia: The death of the last remaining elder

Cynthia Chandler hung around for a famously long time after most of her contemporaries had died, but, on Tyson's birthday, the Grim Reaper had finally had enough.

Goodbye, Cynthia.
I'm sure your great-grandson won't need therapy or anything after this super traumatic event.

Friday, November 6, 2009

It's ON, Phoebe!

Allen was promoted to General Practitioner, meaning he gets to wear a fancy lab coat. :D
He is halfway towards reaching his Lifetime Want of becoming Chief of Staff.
He is also much closer than his colleague Phoebe. Really, she doesn't stand a chance.

Children of the Tree Sap

Jason found a job as a SWAT Team Leader right away, but Elle wasn't so lucky.
Which turned out to be a good thing, because it's hard to rob people with your pregnant belly knocking into things.

Elle spent the duration of her pregnancy eating, sleeping, and going to the bathroom. She barely talked to anyone, much less her husband. The big day came...

Congrats! A baby girl! Yes, I realize this is a terrible picture, but I've since learned about Tab.
Jason and Elle named her Amber, and she looks just like Mommy.
Elle still has been unable to find a job, but enjoys taking care of her daughter.
In this picture, Elle enjoys some time with the cathode ray tube, blissfully unaware of the intruder in her home.

Oh, it's just the nanny!
One problem: No one hired the nanny. She just came in, unannounced, and expected to be paid for her work.
But if she's a stay-at-home mom, she doesn't NEED a nanny.
But Nanny McClueless was fired and everything went back to normal.

We can work something out...

Jason invited his girlfriend Elle to move in, so the two could plan their wedding.
Oddly enough, his lifetime ambition is to become Captain Hero; hers is to become a Criminal Mastermind.
How is that gonna work?
What if he accidentally arrests her?
"Oh...hi, honey."

Wedding time! It was a small ceremony in the Cummings' backyard, and only Jason's siblings were present, but it was a great party, and Elle became Elle Cummings.

Dang, I just realized what a crappy wedding this is. It looks like they're out on the tundra. But nobody seemed to mind.

Love is...electrocuting your bride and following it up with, "It was just a joke!"

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Babies, chaos, and the swine flu

Taking care of twin boys was taking its toll on Severin and Sierra Jorgen's marriage. When they weren't caring for the boys, they were working, and were hardly getting any sleep.
Luckily, Severin's sister Bex and cousin Tessa moved in to give them a hand.
Once they got there, everything seemed to be going so well. Sierra was getting promotions left and right, while Bex got a job as a Starter.
The boys had a wonderful birthday with lots of cake.

Romulus - Leo: 4 neat, 10 outgoing, 4 active, 4 playful, 4 nice

Remus - Gemini: 1 neat, 10 outgoing, 9 active, 4 playful, 1 nice
Then everything went to hell.
Sierra, Bex, AND Severin came down with the swine flu! Unable to work, and worried about infecting the babies, the three of them left Tessa with the task of "raising" the children.
Tessa managed to teach the kids to talk. Her useless relatives finally recovered and taught the twins everything else they needed to know. Then it was birthday time again!


And that's about all that happened.
As far as careers go, Sierra was promoted to Desk Sergeant: she is slowly but surely making her way up the Law Enforcement career ladder.
Severin finally got his lazy butt off the couch, worked out a little bit, and became a Soilmaster. It was only after the excitement of this news wore off did he realize how much his job sucked. The Jorgens have plenty of money as it is; we'll see if he continue's in this field.
Oh, and Bex? Her old "friend" Paul not only forgave her, but managed to wrangle a promotion for her as well! She's now an All Star and is working towards becoming MVP.
Ugh. I just want to know when she gets the Athletic Career Reward. It makes working out SO much easier.

Graduation day: The wait is over

It was a long 4 years, but these Sims lived to tell the tale.
Just to recap:
Bex is once again single, though she's slept with half the school.
Angelo is engaged to Sheila, his brother's boyfriend.
Terrance has a NEW girlfriend named Joanne Hurt and he's engaged to her.
James and Tessa have been engaged for 4 years and hope to be married soon.
All of them graduted Summa Cum Laude, but are moving back in with their parents. Way to be.