Sunday, October 5, 2008

Bridget's pregnancy obsession

As much as Bridget loved her boys, she knew in her heart something was missing. There as no delicate pink-wearing daughter among the mud-covered, testosterone-filled males. She managed to convince Tom to have another child.

After two tries, Bridget discovered she was pregnant one day at the kitchen sink.

She continued to get bigger as the days went by, but was lucky enough not to have any morning sickness.
Finally, the big day came. All the boys rushed to the bathroom and were a little shocked to see a baby coming out of mom's hoo-hoo.

It looks like most of the boys are either levitating or about to barf.

Finally, Bridget had given birth to the daughter she'd always wanted. Her name is Mayzie Stevens, and most of her brothers hate her. Here she is with Alex. Awww.

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