Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sheila's a big girl now

Sheila's toddler years went by fast. She was potty-trained by Allen...

...taught to walk by Jared and Jason (Jason finished the deed)...

...and potty-trained by a reluctant Allen.

Finally, it was time for Sheila to grow into a child.

Jared was not impressed by her choice of guests.

The Cummings boys, who believed strongly in traditional roles (another reason why Jane left), were happy to have a girl around now to clean the house.

The day after Sheila's birthday didn't go so well, though. Both she and Jared missed a day of school due to a bad cold and Sheila started out with a D on her report card.
After she got better, though, she managed to finish her schoolwork and now has a B+.

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