Saturday, October 4, 2008

Meet the Stevens family

Tom and Bridget Stevens were highschool sweethearts that had planned a wonderful future: a big house, 2 kids, and a high-paying job in the science field for Tom.
Bridget became pregnant with their first child, Alex, shortly after they were married. It wasn't until she became pregnant again that all the trouble started.
When the 9 months were up, Bridget gave birth to not one, but three baby boys in varying shades of skin color.
With food prices skyrocketing and four hungry babies to feed, the Stevens moved into a small house in Blueberry Meadows, where they could live off the land.
It wasn't until later that they realized the grass wasn't green because the land was fertile - the gardeners sprayed it that color. Blueberry Meadows was just another suburb.

Bridget was the family rock. She made lunches for the boys every day and had learned to multitask in every sense of the word - for instance, none of the other nursing mothers had been able to breastfeed three children and make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for the fourth, all at the same time. She hadn't latched on to the idea of 21st century feminism and was perfectly happy being a stay-at-home mother. Though she'd already given birth to four rambunctious boys and had exhausted the hospital's supply of morphine, Bridget desperately wanted two more children (hopefully girls). The quiet Irish Virgo could often be found cooking, cleaning, or reading.

Tom helped his wife with the kids and household chores as much as he could, but he had other things on his mind, such as reaching the top of the science career. After a long, ultimately unsuccessful stint in the music career, he'd finally landed the job of his dreams - working as a test subject in a laboratory. He, too, was a Virgo whose idea of quality time was sitting next to his wife on the couch while reading a book (this suited Bridget just fine, however).

Alex was somewhat of a stud. Wearing his worn leather jacket with John Travolta as his inspiration, he'd perfected the devil-may-care scowl and slouched attractively against buildings just for the heck of it.
There was just one thing wrong with him: he was a nerd.
Not to stereotype Knowledge Sims, but John Travolta certainly hadn't wanted to be a scientist like his father. (Though he had wanted to be a pilot and was now one, as well as an overrated actor and creepy Scientologist.)
So Alex tried to keep his mouth shut and hoped girls would ignore the vast number of science classes he was taking and would instead find his aloof Gemini-ism "hot".

Of the triplets, Angelo was the leader. A world renowned joker and class clown, you either loved the boy or wanted to strangle him (his brothers mostly wanted to strangle him).
Angelo also had a curious love for the underbellies of horses, though no one quite knew why.

Don't let the look on his face fool you; James was a kind and loving soul with a wonderful sense of humor.
Screw that.
The last part was essentially true, but James was in some ways Angelo's opposite. He wasn't as nice or funny and definitely not as extroverted, but cared deeply about rights of all kinds - LGBT Rights, Human Rights, Animal Rights, Miranda Rights....
Even if his personality was a little bit off, James was by far the best-looking triplet.

Terrance was a weirdo. The pirate costume he had worn since the age of 3. It didn't fit quite right, and he didn't particularly like pirates, but he wore it all the same. Normally the weird ones are freakish introverts that hide in dark corners, but Terrance loved people and made a new friend every day.
Perhaps this was why he and Angelo didn't quite get along: they were always in competition to see who could be the popularest (which isn't a word, but we're talking about 10-year-olds).
Now all the boys were at public school, Tom had a job as a Test Subject, and Bridget was trying to get pregnant. Do we really want to know what happens next?

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