Saturday, October 18, 2008

Dominic drops a bomb/Severin finds his soulmate

Dominic couldn't wait to get engaged to his long-time boyfriend Jared. One morning, after a late night "study session", Dominic proposed.

Jared, of course, said yes, and they will be married immediately after they graduate.

Severin was busy studying for the semester exam when he saw a cute blond chick outside his window. He decided to introduce himself.

They'd only just met when Sierra Wilkie (the beautiful girl's name) told Severin how much she liked his vest. A girl who liked sexist guys with big egos? She could only be Severin's long lost soulmate!

It didn't take Sierra long to fall in love with Severin, and vice-versa. They were both Family Sims who longed for commitment. After a couple weeks, Severin decided to propose.

She said yes, but the two will have to wait 3 years to get married. Severin is trying to convince Dominic and Jared to have a double wedding with him.
We're pretty positive the answer will be no.

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