Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Meet the Chandler family

This family would not exist without the parents, Phoebe and Edison Chandler. It also wouldn't exist without their parents, or the parents of their parents, or their parent's parents, but that's too confusing.

Phoebe and Edison, both Knowledge Sims, met at Academie le Tour in 1991, three months before either of them graduated. They were both taking GenEd, a required class, and bonded over an insanely boring professor. Afterwards, they discussed their life goals and had a little woohoo. Phoebe became pregnant with twins and the two wed right after graduation.
Edison, a Scorpio, is 100% Native American and is quite proud of it. He was quite disappointed when the kids didn't look a thing like him. His life goal is to become a criminal mastermind.
Phoebe, a Capricorn, claims to be a hodgepodge of European ethnicities, but she her ears are too pointy to be French and she has freakishly purple eyes, as do her mother and children. Whether or not she is Elvish probably won't affect her path to becoming chief of staff, which is HER life time goal.

Dominic is Blueberry Meadows' first bisexual. A Virgo, Dominic had always been annoyingly introspective and sensitive. He was a Family Sim who wanted nothing more than a family of well-educated children when he grow up, and loved Edgar Allen Poe, Maya Angelou, and Robert Frost. After much soul-searching, Dominic finally admitted that guys are just as attractive as girls and joined the LGBT community.

Miranda, Dominic's Pisces twin sister, was found to be very beautiful (but not easy) and was often surrounded by male admirers (and their jealous wives). She didn't feel all that agressive or dominant, but found herself wanting to be a captain hero when she grew up.

Yes, Cynthia is the old woman checking out her granddaughter. Cynthia and Miranda were very much alike: they were both Pisces and Popularity Sims, had black hair and purple eyes, and voted Democrat (rebelling against Phoebe and Edison's staunch Republicanism). Cynthia had wanted to be an army general when she was younger, but knew her glory days were over and that that particular goal could never be reached.
The Chandlers moved from SimCity when Edison decided to take a rather permanent sabbatical to the suburbs. They bought a house that had only 2 bedrooms, 1 less bedroom than was promised in the add. Other than that, it was clean and there were no vermin infesting the bathroom or kitchen cupboards. Both Miranda and Edison got jobs immediately (though Miranda was sick for a week and lost out on a week's pay).

Dominic had already made friends with Jared Cummings, the nicer of the two Cummings twins, and shared his first kiss with him (which I, unfortunately, did not get a picture of).
Jared didn't seem to think much of this monumental moment in young Dominic's life and didn't want to pursue the relationship any further. So Dominic turned to matchmaker and asked for a blind date.

The date did not go well, and there will not be a second.

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